Easter is Coming


 During the month of March Rivers Church will be focusing on the discipline of Worshiping God. With Easter coming it causes me to think about the season of Lent .Lent, in the Christian church, a period of penitential preparation for Easter. In Western churches it begins on Ash Wednesday, six and a half weeks before Easter, and provides for a 40-day fast. It is a season of intentionally focusing on God's love for us. 

We can see clearly how much the Lord loves His kids in both the Old and New Testaments. Why did God deliver the people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt? Because he loved his people. Simple enough, right? 

God’s love is immeasurable and unfathomable. He chose the Israelites hundreds of years prior, heard the cry of his people, and remembered his covenant. A love like this is rarely experienced by humans. 

We let one another down. We hurt each other. We fail. Our love becomes broken. That’s why God’s love is so unbelievable. His love never fails. Just when we think he’s forgotten us or we’ve done something to lose his love, God reminds us once again of his love.

If God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt was a display of his great love, what was the sending of his Son, Jesus? Earlier in this Lent season we were reminded of John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son.” 

There is no clearer picture of God’s love then the sending of his son, Jesus. When we feel forgotten, broken, lost, or unloved, remember 

God demonstrated his love for you over 2000 years ago by sending his son, Jesus, to defeat sin, death, and hell. God remembers his people and regardless of what has happened continues to love them. 

If worship is our response to focusing on God then there is no better time to take inventory of our lives during this time prior to Easter. Will you choose to focus on God in everything you do? 

What does it mean to you that God loves you?
What are ways God has demonstrated his love for you throughout your life?
How does God’s unfailing love for you free you to love and serve him?


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