A Better Way To Live
How Will You Read the Bible in 2021?
January 21,2020
Last year has taught us all lessons we will never forget. We have learned life is fragile and we are not promised tomorrow. The most recent statistic in the United States 400,000 people have died from Covid-19. Our economic security has changed overnight. 2020 has taxed us emotionally ,physically ,and many of us spiritually. One thing I have learned is the world’s only hope is found in a relationship with the Lord. God is all knowing and He is not surprised by the recent events in our world. God has given us His word ( the Bible ) so that we may know Him. Rivers Church has dedicated 2021 to teaching that there is a better way to live. If we want healthy relationships , bodies and to live a life of purpose it starts with how we spend time with God by reading and listening to the Creator and His word.
In 2021, as we continue to read the Bible together, we’re going to change up how we read the Bible together. We’re going to read the Bible using Bible Reading Plan f260 in the youversion app.
As we dig into 2021, let me tell you why I’m excited to utilize these Bible reading plans f260
We are developing the spiritual disciple of reading God's word together.
Think about all your good and bad habits. Have you ever thought about how they were developed . We will be talking every week about how we form our habits this year. The habit of reading the bible is the single habit that will transform your life.
They’re short
How often have you gotten behind in a Bible reading plan, got overwhelmed, and quit? The great thing about this reading plan is that it will provide “free days” to catch up and they’re short. So, if you get so far behind you can’t catch up, once the plan ends, you can begin the next one. In 2021, there will be multiple opportunities to begin reading the Bible with Rivers Church.
They’re available in multiple formats
F260 reading plan can be used in three different formats. The plans and a brief commentary are available for free online. You can find the reading plans on their phone apps And if you like hard copies of the plans, they can be printed as well.
They’ll often coincide with our sermon series
We’re working to line up many of the Bible reading plans with our sermon series. For example, during our series on the Lord’s Prayer, we’ll be reading Bible passages focused on prayer.
These studies are obviously not the only ways to read the Bible, but I do believe they are helpful resources for reading the Bible. If you’re thinking about reading the Bible in 2021, I want to encourage you to use these studies. If you’re not sure about reading the Bible in 2021, just try it. Get access to the first reading plan and simply begin!
F260 Bible Plan: The F-260 is a two hundred and sixty day reading plan that highlights the foundational passages of Scripture that every disciple should know.
This is good information, I’m going to do that plan. Good job!